Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Day in the Life #3: World Meeting of Families, Philadelphia

So we're singing at the convention center this afternoon. I walked in to last night's rehearsal and was struck by just how immense the space is.  Perhaps it was the sea of 20,000 chairs that were set up in anticipation of today's festivities.

I was struck by the focused, beautiful sound of the children's choir singing, yes, TRADITIONAL HYMNS. Mike Maresca, are you listening? If children are encouraged by exposing them to the best that church music has to offer, we don't have to do music that the "A Mighty Wind" gaggle likes to do on GEETARS and the future of hymnody will be more secure than it is now. I envied them their opportunity to sing "Rejoice, the Lord is King". What I wouldn't give to sing that or "Italian Hymn" or"St. Anne" or "Nun Danket Alle Gott" in my home parish more than almost never.

Well, off to shower, dress, pack, and head downtown.  Cheers!


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